Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Raw Water

 In San Francisco, one brand of "unfiltered, unsterilised spring water" goes for $US36.99 for a 11litre container, with refills going for $US14.99.

Another store in San Diego, Liquid Eden, offers options including "fluoride-free, chlorine-free and a 'mineral electrolyte alkaline' drinking water that goes for $US2.50 a gallon."

The raw water movement is mainly motivated by a (scientifically unsupported) conviction that unfiltered water has some kind of vaguely defined probiotic quality, that filtered water lacks essential minerals, and that tap water might be contaminated by lead, fluoride, or umm, birth control chemicals. 

There are no guarantees that untreated water is free of pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and parasites, or carcinogenic compounds. The risk of waterborne illnesses from untreated water is not theoretical. It happens.

1 comment:

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